Let's Talk: Pristin's Kyla + FatShaming

Sep 12, 2017 22:37

So this is a topic that keeps coming up I've noticed, so lets talk about it.

However, first a few comments, Kyla is 15, her birthday is 26 December 2001, as a side note this makes her younger than Jeon Somi and (at the time of debut) quite a few of the idols on this list. Another note Pledis has not released an official weight for either Sungyeon or Kyla, it did not originally release a weight for Yehanna either, implying this has something to do with the Produce 101 appearances.

Show Champion (Fan Attack)

So the first thing I want to do is talk about the 'official' BMI of the members of Pristin who have the information released to calculate this. I will use the official NHS BMI calculator for this. Also I am aware that their is a recommendation for those of Asian ethnicity to have a lower BMI, however, I am not a doctor, medical student, or nurse so cannot state how this may affect BMI or these results. So the first member is Nayoung and her official BMI is 17, next member is Roa who's official BMI is 16.5, next is Yuha who's official BMI is 17.3, Eunwoo is the next member and her official BMI is 17.2, Rena's official BMI is 18.5 making her the first member not be in the underweight category (18.5 is the official 'healthy' point for someones BMI). Next is Kyulkyung who's official BMI is 17 , the penultimate member here is Yehana with her official BMI being 18.4, the final member with a height and weight officially released is Xiyeon, who is actually too young to have an official weight calculated (people must be over 18), but it looks like her body mass is healthy. How up to date this information is would be impossible to tell.

From their first MV Wee Woo

So lets discuss the images that people are using to justify their comments. Firstly this one:

Pristin - Wee Woo M Countdown 170427 (source Koreaboo)

image Click to view

The simple reason for why this image is so unflattering is firstly it is taken at the worst possible moment for Kyla, secondly her shorts are too small for her and the top is too large. Even the tiny Yuha and Yehana's stomachs look slightly bloated in these shorts.

The same performance, a slightly different angle

The next image is this one:

Honestly I'm having trouble exactly matching this but the closest I've found is their Music Core appearance 170826 or their appearance on 170831

image Click to view

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(If it is the second one then I think it's about 2:45 for the timestamp from where the picture has been taken) So a quick couple of comments about this picture too, firstly Kyla is actually at a different angle (facing more towards the photographer than Eunwoo) than Eunwoo who is being compared too. Secondly whichever member of their styling team picked this particular style for her deserves to be fired, so much. Also a second note both the skirt and top look slightly too tight for her in this exact pose (I mean Eunwoo looks like she can't breathe or the skirt will be too big for her so) and is something their stylist needs to address. This styling will make anyone look bloated (which in turn makes them look like they are carrying more weight).

So personally I've had enough of dwelling on the negative, lets instead look at some beautiful photos of Kyla which show her to a normal teenager.

Credit to YANKEY

Credit to IZE

You only have to search pinterest or google to see how gorgeous she is, I honestly hope she does not allow a few unflattering images and negative comments to affect her and she continues to smile brightly and let her talent shine.

(Please note: I am not saying the other members are unhealthy/need to gain weight, I am simply saying according to official BMI calculations taking into account age and gender they are below the recommended weight, (with the exception of Xiyeon and Rena). I am not saying anyone needs to gain or loose weight, I am simply commenting on the continued fat shaming of Kyla. If you have a problem with anything I say please let me know without yelling, all caps or directly insulting me, many thanks)

kpop: pristin, let's talk post, kyla massie

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