Top 5 Murray Moments

Aug 10, 2009 22:29

For little_tristan, who wanted to be perverse *vbg*

The first two are both from 36 Hours Til Dawn, which is *not* my favorite episode in the world - but it *is* a great Murray ep.

I *love* Murray starting to say "crashed" and changing it to landed. It's such a perfect understanding of Cody-psychology. He just does a perfect job of talking our Cody down here.

And here, of course he wont let Cody go alone. Whatever's out there, whatever's happened to Nick, Murray's gonna be right beside Cody. He knows what being a friend means.

All that is Murray :) (Curse of the Mary Aberdeen)

"I can't believe we're breaking into the US Post Office! It's such a happy place" hee! Lovelovelove (Oil Bets Are Off)

I believe it speaks for itself. I love undercover Murray :D (Girls Night Out)

One more for luck (let's count the first two as one as they're from the same ep!). Murray being smart and resourceful (and undercover). Go Murray Go! (Father's Day)

pics, riptide, meme

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