Words Meme :)

Jul 11, 2009 22:36

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

janedavitt  gave me Reading, Riptide, writing, slash, and Bunter!

One of my favourite hobbies, although I am sad to say that this year I just seem to have very little time to do it in. I love detective stories the most, followed by Georgette Heyer's regencies (not regency romance in general, note: Heyer in particular); and oddmonster  and romankate  are trying to convert me to m/m romance. But you know, I have a surefire source of m/m romance already, and that's...

My one true fandom. I saw it first at first airing in 1984 (or possibly 85 - we get things later in NZ), and ten minutes into the pilot episode I was hooked on Nick and Cody. The detective stuf has always been, for me, completely secondary to the incredible interaction of these two guys. They're so incredibly gentle with one another, they need each other so much, it's so beautiful to watch it almost hurts. Which leads me to...

The fact that Nick and Cody share a room (canon) on a boat (canon) and have lived and worked together for the past 10 - 12 years with no more than a year of that time spent apart (canon), and I tend to think significantly less than a year. They spend every waking moment of the day together, then they share a room at night (canon). And they're beautiful. And they never stop touching (canon). What's a girl supposed to think?

I do love other slash too, especially TS, but you know... these two are just the most beautiful to think about. They're just GUH. And so naturally...

I write about it. What can I do? I'm privileged to have seen three seasons of the most beautiful love story I've contemplated, and the network has incomprehensibly cut out the best bits. So what can I do but my poor best to fill it in?

I've been writing Nick/Cody for ten years and thinking aboutn them for 25 :) I dont see it stopping any time soon.

I love to write in general, writing's my favourite hobby, and it's primarily the reason I've had so little time to read this year.

And last of all, Bunter:
The creation of Dorothy L Sayers, Bunter is Lord Peter Wimsey's manservant, valet, sometime batman, and often sidekick in his many investigations. Of all Sayers' well-drawn characters, he is my second-favorite after Peter, and he's fantastic.

I rad an essay somewhere once on Miss Sayers' work, in which he was identified as an indifferent manservant - definitely not born to the role - he was too familiar with Peter and there were one or two other things, apparently. They're certainly nothing I've ever noticed.

His familiarity with Peter is quite reasonable - he was his batman during World War 1, and he nursed him through a terrible case of shellshock (PTSD) which lasted several years.

One of my favorite moments is described by Peter's mother (my third favorite character) - the description of the tears on Bunter's cheeks as he described Perter telling him to take away those blasted eggs and bring him a sausage.

And ok, I have a slasher's black heart and you're all eyeing me askance here, and you're a little right. I throughly believe our dear Bunter, not withstanding the Young Person he eventually married, has an everlasting true and perfect love going on for Lord Peter. Peter, bless him, hasn't noticed, I expect. Poor Bunter!

Um, even Miss Sayers suggested Bunter was imagining what was going on in Peter's marital bed [Busman's Honeymoon]. She also refers to Peter, from Bunter's POV, as the "cherished creature". Which um, for me, is canonical evidence.

lord peter, riptide, meme, sayers

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