Yule! It comes so fast!
To my dear writer: Thank you so much for being willing to write a story for me! I've given some brief details below, but please go with whatever you like!
I love Nick and Cody. And Nick/Cody. Whatever you want to do, as long as it has Nick and Cody in it, I am going to love. Gen is fine. Slash is fine. Angst, h/c, romance, buddy-fic - you name it, I want it.
Just one wee thing: I would prefer for neither of them to end up in het relationships, please.
Lord Peter Wimsey
I love to read stories about Peter from someone else's perspective. I also love to hear more about his PTSD; although I'm less fond of his post-case jitters. If slash is your thing, I am fond of Peter/Bunter, especially UST; but I love gen too.
Richard Jury
Dear Richard, with his swiss-cheese past, his penchant for navel-gazing angst and his unrequited love for Melrose... :) I love his cases. I love he and Melrose hanging out. Slash them if you like, I certainly wont object :) I love Aunt Agatha. I am less fond of Richard's women, although an exploration of women-who-aren't-Melrose could be fun :D
The Hardy Boys
Joe is my favorite character. And I'm talking about Joe from the old series, not the "Case Files". I'm open to gen or slash (brotherly or otherwise). I like hurt-comfort where Frank cares for an injured Joe. I love the moments in the books where Frank bosses their friends around to ensure Joe's safety. I would also love Frank standing up to family members about Joe/knowing things about Joe that no-one else does.
If you are familiar with the TV series as well, anything based on the episode Sole Survivor would also be welcome.
These are merely suggestions: I'll enjoy anything you come up with :)
I like slash. There's no point in pretending :D but I also love gen, especially when it comes with a generous measure of hurt/comfort. But whatever you write, I'm going to absolutely love it.