I remembered!
Each Sunday, post six sentences from a writing project -- published, submitted, in progress, for your cat -- whatever.
Two of my all-time favorite six-sentence snips which describe portions of my personal fanon; both from the same fic:
When Nick's talking, Cody's never sure whether to watch his eyes or his mouth. Nick's eyes reflect his feelings, lay him open like a book to anyone who speaks the right language - and Cody does. Sometimes he thinks he speaks Nick better than he speaks English.
He and Nick have been together so long, been through so much together. He's felt for years that they're connected somehow, that a part of Nick lives inside him. When he's watching Nick's eyes, feeling what Nick feels, the connection between them thrums like a live-wire.
On hot nights, Nick sometimes lies awake on purpose, watching the muted mix of moonlight and streetlight the blinds let through on Cody's skin and hair. It reminds him of the time in Saigon when they paid a hooker double her fee for the use of her squalid room. Ordinarily, Nick never allows himself to think of Vietnam at all, but this memory is different. It carries with it the exhilaration and terror he'd felt when his love for Cody blind-sided him. The beauty of what they'd made together in that stolen, precious hour. Nick can't find words to talk about that day at all, even to Cody, but here in the dark, he doesn't have to.
(These from
Their Favorite Things, an OT3 fic I wrote a long time ago for my dear