I think I drink too much pop.....

Feb 20, 2009 15:31

Just an update on my life. currently I have a burn (possibly second degree as Emily sees it) on my right hand, between my thumb and index finger. It's actually stopped hurting but now I have a nasty looking blister and its all shiny looking. too much information? probably....

I'm still only working at Office Max. I like working there a lot, but I really really need a second job. I wish I could find one.

I sent in my application for MSU but I'm still not sure if I really want to go there. Why am I doing this? Part of me just wants something important to do, because my life is so dull and pointless sometimes. I have nothing that excites me.

I've given up ever having a relationship with anyone. Being forever single isn't such a bad thing. Some people are meant to be single I suppose. I just don't have the mentality to have a boyfriend. This might sound sad but I'm not sad. Its just a fact. Its a pretty poor track record for a girl to have NEVER kissed a guy or been on a real date or ever actually fallen in love. Its so embarrassing I lie sometimes, telling people I've had boyfriends. Is that crazy? Probably. I feel like everyone has had at least one person they were connected to for a while. I don't understand how love works. I don't get how you can connect with anyone like that. I don't know what to trust.

I'm not going to completely fill up this entry with depressing stuff. Currently I'm trying to fill up my portfolio with illustrations and trying to get a publishing house to contract me. This isn't an easy thing, because most people who send in their artwork are put in the "slush" file. Slush is a term the publishing houses use for the countless illustrations they get every day and they usually never use because they already have a full time illustrator that does everything. Only by the grace of god do some of these slush files ever get used. But I won't even get into the slush bin unless I try so I'm going for it. I met a women at office max who is a pretty awesome childrens book illustrator, she's even got a few books that are mass produced paperbacks. She was a crying mess when I talked to her because her aunt had died the day before and she was going to her funeral that very afternoon. wow I felt so bad for her. I was making a print of a drawing she did of her aunt and we got to talking...she told me she was just like me at one point. I don't know how she did it, but she got into the system and is making money now. So why can't I?

Here is my recent work...its Shere Khan from the Jungle Book. (no not the disney film)

Shere Khan
by ~Lizzy23 on deviantART

It might be a bit too scary for a children's book...but I always thought his character was crazy..and I just wanted to draw him like that.

well I've got work in a few hours. laters.
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