Jan 19, 2008 22:39
It's been a long and interesting day. I rose at 5AM, took a shower, did my daily yoga exercises along with my meditation, three soul alignment and kala. I left for work at 8am and worked from 8:30 to 2:30. It was a very busy day and the time flew by.
After work I went to meet some friends in Littly Italy. The Our Lady of Fatima statue is making the rounds and she was visiting Our Lady of the Rosary Church. My friends are Catholic and so I went with them to see the "Mother." She is absolutely gorgeous...draped in white lace with a golden crown upon her head. Her hands are together in prayer and her eyes are sad and compassionate. I blessed myself with holy water, genuflected in front of the tabernacle and prayed before the statue. It was very moving. Although I don't believe in the doctrine and dogma of the Catholic Church, their rituals are beautiful. All the people in the church were so reverent and respectful and completely in awe of the statue. Our Lady of Fatima looks down upon you with those eyes that have been seen to shed real tears. There were blue ribbons attached to her and draped along the altar floor so that you could touch them and receive the energy of the Mother of God. There was a sign that said "Do not touch the statue. She will touch you." And she did. I could feel the energy eminating from her. It was a very powerful experience for me and one that I didn't expect. I approached her with an open mind, realising that millions of people have given life to this goddess by feeding her so many prayers. Whatever I believe about Catholicism didn't matter in those moments I spent with Our Lady of Fatima. There were no sermons to listen to, no judgments being passed, no holier than thou one true religion bullshit being spewed. There was only peace and love and blessings being given to the people by the goddess of their choice.
After that, my friends and I went to Humphrey's, a local concert venue here in San Diego. Both of their husbands are in one of the bands that were playing in the lounge. It was good fun and good music. I knew several of the people there and really had a great time.
What an interesting day it has been.
Holy Mother, in you we live, move and have our being. From you all things emerge and unto you all things return!
Blessed Be.