May 29, 2011 17:05
Exams are finally over and I am in full holiday mode. Exams went okay, but not brilliant. I am really not a fan of multiple choice questions. I used to think they were easier, but now I actually prefer essays >.>
I've started studying Kanji from scratch and am doing fairly well so far. Obviously I haven't hit the stage that I used to be at, so most is revision, which makes me feel very successful XD I've also started working with Rosetta Stone's Japanese program, which is very good fun, although I am not too sure how great it will end up being for my Japanese. I guess all revision is good revision though.
I've finally ordered my shiny new bike and am really looking forward to it arriving. It is bright red and shall be not only gorgeous, but also have working gears which will make biking oh-so-much-easier. So far my blood pressure is still having a fit every time I bike, but I am hoping that with practice that will get better. As my doctor keeps saying: Baby steps!
I've had some of my usual health troubles and my doctor decided to order a blood test to get to the bottom of the matter, which she has now re-ordered without a comment. Part of me hopes everything is okay, but another part of me really hopes they'll find something so I can finally figure out why I am constantly ill.
I have also found an amazing flat, that I am REALLY hoping to get for next year. Sadly the current tenants are failing at making up their mind if they will stay or go, so all is a bit in limbo. The estate agents are definitively sick of hearing from me at this rate, but I want to be the first to hear any news.
Garry and my relationship is a bit on the rocks, but time will tell what's happening with it. So far I am acting as if we still be together by next university year for flat purposes - if not the flat should have enough space for two bedrooms, so we might just turn into flat mates.
I am feeling very pleased with myself at the moment, as I've managed to do most of my exercise (minus the yoga *shifty eye*) today, despite having had a really rubbish night full of hallucinogenic dreams that left me refusing to get back to sleep after three hours to avoid having more. I did fall asleep again in the end only to wake up feeling even worse. Despite that and aching muscles I am actually doing quite well at the moment. Also I have Lego cravings and decided to work on my shiny new Gamertag identity thingy :D Clearly achievement points are important in life!
... I just wish I could have a real life gamertag with real life achievement points for things like doing my exercises >.>
Hope you are all having a great time!