*insert snazzy title here*

Apr 01, 2011 11:33

My life is distinctly uninteresting at the moment. I spent most of last week being ill, then had a massive depression attack on the weekend (worst I have been in ages - poor Garry was really worried) and have been trying to recover from it since. I ended up applying for my first ever extension as a result, which I got because my professor is awesome. Coursework is now due next Friday for me rather than today. While coursework is tedious, I am not doing too badly with it. I am just struggling with coming up with a good argument, but talking to my friends revealed that we are all suffering from this problem.

The weekend depression was apparently set off by me exercising when my body was still battling the flu (says my lovely CBT lady at least). While it does make sort of sense, it also makes me feel fairly frustrated as (as I am sure most of you know) I am ill A LOT. If I give up exercising completely every time I get ill, I am in trouble. I will consult my doctor on the topic once I get to see her at the end of April. I do however never want to set off that level of depression ever again and am now feeling fairly paranoid every time I consider exercising.

I've kept myself cheered up by taking care of my gorgeous three dimensional puppy (which is just what you need to take your mind off things during tedious coursework) and have also really enjoyed Super Street Fighter IV. Actually much more than I thought I would to be honest. I am not that big on fighting games, but there is a surprising amount of tactics involved in Super Street Fighter which makes it fun again. I've also found a person who I really like because she looks a little catty, which helps :D Also her theme colour is purple which makes it even better. (You might have guessed at this stage that I was at the midnight launch of the 3DS).

Turns out being ill and depressed however leads to internet shopping sprees on my side and when I saw my visa bill this month, I got a bit of a heart attack. Definitively need to reign in my amazon spending habits. Having said that, today my lovely parcel full of books on how to make a bento has arrived and I have decided to make more of an effort again to make a bento for Garry and me in the morning or the night before. I am distinctly eating too many baked potatoes at university. I like baked potatoes, but they do get a bit dull after a while. My bento book shopping spree was inspired by me finding a GORGEOUS bento box on j-list. Sadly, I am not the only one who must have seen it and said "I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE!!!!" and thus it is currently on back order :-( I am really hoping it will arrive soon. Nothing worse than treating yourself to something you REALLY like only to find that it will take ages to get to you. Ah well. I do have plenty of other bento boxes, so I will just have to dig them out and make a start.

Charlie came with us to the sushi night at the Edamame last night and we had a really great time. I do enjoy her company and I am glad that she and Garry get on so well. She then came to ours and played WoW with us until midnight, which was also good fun. We FINALLY (after four attempts I kid you not) finished the second wing of the Scarlet Monastery. Stupid houndmaster! I am really glad that I found such a lovely friend in my course - especially after I didn't feel like I really connected with anyone at the Imperial. We will both be starting the Master part time next year and have tentative plans of going tenting together over the summer.

Now, I think I shall tentatively try to do my yoga and see how my body reacts to that and then take it from there. May be play a bit of Super Street Fighter afterwards :D I am still struggling to get the §$%&§ super combos off. My timing seems to be a bit... atrocious.
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