*SIGH* I opened up the Computer this morning, happily anticipating being able to kick start the defragmentation (finally!), before breakfast. 867! As in 867 out of 3689. Jesus! My (very tired) brain is happily informing me that we are looking at another 4 to 5 days to get this done. I assumed that it took so long yesterday, because I was doing other things at the same time (like WoW) which would have sapped RAM and hence slowed things down. Tonight my Computer didn't have anything else to do for all of 9 glorious hours *hits head against wall* I am starting to regret ever having moved my music collection, but then really I had no other option if I wanted to keep using this laptop as my main gaming laptop - a slow gaming laptop just doesn't work. I can't wait to get myself a tower when I get back to the UK. I know that the poor thing will have to travel all the way to Scotland when I am doing my masters, but it will be better (and a lot cheaper) than what I am doing now. SIGH!
Also, I have no voice and my throat is killing me. The cold which I have been generously ignoring whilst travelling has come back with a vengeance, whilst I also made the massive mistake of talking to Garry last night. My throat was hurting like stupid after 10 minutes and my voice sounded really funny, but we hadn't had a chance to talk for so long, that I really enjoyed it and decided that the pain would go away after a good night's sleep. WRONG!
Thomas is coming over tonight and at the moment I have not the slightest clue as to how that is going to work considering I can't talk and spend most of yesterday lying in bed, feeling ill. Technically I should be cleaning and tidying now, getting everything needed for tonight's meal (though so far I don't actually know what tonight’s meal will consist out of) and generically making myself useful, rather than lying in bed. I am not too sure if I can do that though, considering I feel horrible. Garry - come here and make me a hot water bottle, some tea and give me cuddles!
I will stop moping now though and make myself half a litre of hot lemon with honey (that stuff does wonders when I am ill) and also put on today’s ration of tea. Then I might text Thomas and explain the situation to him and depending on his response, the next steps will be agreed upon.
I would also really like to talk to my mum, who I haven't phoned in ages (due to travelling) and haven't had a chance to give a full travel report yet (nor heard how she is doing). Feels a little funny, considering that since her chemotherapy we have been talking at least once a week, normally more like twice... Due to current illness that might prove difficult though.
So, what do I need to do today (depending on if my illness lets me):
- sort through photos of trip
- go grocery shopping
- go to University and pick up various parcels, which should have arrived
- do washing
- tidy some more
- finish unpacking (almost done! Yay!)
- think of something funky to do with yesterday's leftovers for lunch
- answer about 15 facebook messages
- answer about 30 e-mails
- tell Janna, if I will be up for going to Harajuku tomorrow or not
Sleep: 2/2
Food: 1/3 (Baaaaaaaaaaad!)
Cooking: 1/1 (Pasta with home made sauce)
Sweets: 1 (Last shortcake ^_^)
Drink: 0/2 (I can’t believe that though being ill, I drank so little, so I shall say 0)
Exercise: 0/2 (I think this one is excused)
Japanese: 0/1
Computing: 1/1 (I am hereby deciding that yesterday’s Computer drama counts - I definitely learned more about separate hard drives and WMP’s stupidity)
University: 0/1
German: 0/1
Social duties: 0/1
Washing up: 0/2
Tidying: 1/1
Relaxing: 1/1
Documentation: 1/1
Daily total: 8/20 (Fail!)