Annoyed by Fic Bingo?

Feb 03, 2022 00:28

If my fic bingo posts are annoying you, and you would like to stop them from showing up in your feed, you can do that in the following way:

• Using a web browser, go to my profile.
• In the menu bar at the top, click either "Modify Friend" or "You are Subscribed", as applicable.
(These may appear as icons rather than words, depending on the size of your browser window.)
• A new page will load. On that page, under "Tags", click on "Modify Entries Feed".
• Tick the "Exclude Selected Tags" option.
• Click the "bingo" tag.
• Click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page.

If you want to exclude my MFU-related or my Pros-related posts from your feed, you can do that using a similar process.

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