
Aug 08, 2009 22:39

Keyboard- not good, operating time 10 min max before overheating.

Cardiff - Monday, tickets bought and hotel booked.

MRI - booked but clashes. Dammit to all heck and back.

Car - sorted and parked in a good spot for the weekend yay!

Packing - done mentally, some stuff on hangers to dump in 24 hours ahead

Squee factor - high and rising!!1

If there are any fanbleugh moments I shal take pics and post them.  Ought people leave flowers at the fake Tourist Office door? No. If you are going to spend a fiver buy network time and  petition, send an item, or even donate to the charity.
Yes, aknowledge your feelings. No to feeding the monster ego of he who shall not be Voldemort...

I have promised to send something useless and Welsh to people when I'm thee.  There is an RTD jioke in there somewhere but I just can't think of it at the moment.

don't let her have the loudhailer, volume up on the loudhailer

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