(no subject)

Apr 03, 2007 20:20

meme! coped from Ally, whose lousy LJ name has resulted in me copy-pasting my entire LJ post two times over. stupid. finally decided to use her name instead. ><

rawr! ok, anyway on with the meme!

Put your music player on shuffle, and list the first 40 songs that appear. Then answer the questions.

1. Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. LASTMEETing - Paku Romi (as Edward Elric), Kugimiya Rie (as Alphonse Elric), Toyoguchi Megumi (as Winry Rockbell) and other assorted FMA cast.
3. All I Ever Wanted - Prince of Egypt performed by Amick Bryan and Linda Dee Shayne.
4. I Will - Sowelu
5. RETURNABLE MEMORIES - Paku Romi (as Edward Elric)
6. GOOD! -Paku Romi (as Edward Elric), Kugimiya Rie (as Alphonse Elric), Toyoguchi Megumi (as Winry Rockbell), Ohkawa Toru (as Roy Mustang), Fujiwara Keiji (as Maes Hughes)
7. Kazemachi Jet - Sakamoto Maaya
8. Link - L'Arc~en~Ciel
9. Voice - CLOUD
10. tsubasa - FictionJunction Kaoru
11. LOST HEAVEN - L'Arc~en~Ciel
12. Melissa - Porno Graffiti (WHY DO I GET SO MANY FMA SONGS O__O)
13. Think of Me - Emmy Rossum (From the POTO movie OST)
14. Renai Sankusho - Toyoguchi Megumi (as Winry Rockbell), Wakabayashi Naomi (as Scieszka)
15. Tobira no Mukou E - Yellow Generation (OMG SO MANY FMA SONGS O__O)
16. You Are the Moon - The Hush Sound
17.Trance to Homunculus - THE HOMUNCULUS GANG. :D
18. Kesenai Tsumi - Nana Kitade (again i repeat, so many fma songs!! O__O)
19. Ame no Hi wa no Sankyuu - Ookawa Toru (as Roy Mustang), Neya Michiko (as Riza Hawkeye) (ZOMG FMA SONGS HIT AGAIN)
20. Asu he no Basho - Paku Romi (as Edward Elric) (again, zomg.)
21. Every Heart (English version) - BOA
22. Angels - Within Temptation
23. Papa to Asobou - Fujiwara Keiji (as Maes Hughes) and whoever's Elysia. (ZOMG FMA STRIKES AGAIN)
24. Everybody's Fool - Evanescence (wow i didnt know i had this song =.=)
25. Hagane no Kokoro - Paku Romi (as Edward Elric) (THE RETURN OF THE FMA)
27. How to Save a Life - The Fray (Frey?)
28. I Need to Wake Up - Melissa Etheridge
29. Motherland - Crystal Kay (OMG FMA AGAIN!!)
30. Overture (Phantom of the Opera) - Andrew Lloyd Webber (well technically the orchestra since you cant sing it, but yeah.)
31. Ano Yume no Mukou he - As of yet Unknown Artist (!!! FMA!!!)
32. BOY FRIENDS! - Toyoguchi Megumi (as Winry Rockbell) (WTH FMA AGAIN)
33. IT'S - KINYA
34. Boku wa Koko ni Iru - Kugimiya Rie (as Alphonse Elric) (WTH FMA IS SO DOMINATING THIS... what happened to bleach and stuff!)
35. Ready, Steady, Go! - L'Arc~en~Ciel (see above.)
36. Artemis - Michael Londra (this cool song written based on Artemis Fowl. Go listen to it!! xDD)
37. Beautiful Disaster - Kelly Clarkson (Uhm recommended by chele)
38. Overlap - Kimeru (Yu-Gi-Oh! don't laugh at me. ><)
39. Thus Said the Lord - Prince of Egypt (IS LOVE I LOVE THIS SONG.)
40. Warriors - Yuichi Ikusawa (again, Yu-Gi-Oh!)

1. Which song do you prefer, 1 or 40?
hmm. hard choice. seeing as i've only heard Dani California once and Warriors is only OK, not really fantastic. hmm. i think DC has my vote though. x))

2. Have you ever listened to 12 continuously on repeat?
Nah not really my favourite FMA song. Ask me for Trance to Homunculus. x)) or actually most FMA songs.

3. What album is 26 from?
err what album? x)) i think it's called BLAZE. abit duh right. >< released as a single.

4. What do you think about the artist who did 15?

5. Is 19 one of your favorite songs?
ehh not really not one of the best FMA songs. ><

6. Who does 38 remind you of?
My sis. x)) explosive, but pleasant to listen to, except when you need to be quiet.

7. Does 20 have better lyrics or music?
erk. dunno what the lyrics mean, so i'll go for music. x))

8. Do any of your friends like 3?
I dunno... PoE rocks though! So once they hear it, they will LOVE IT. *wicked grin*

9. Is 33 from a movie soundtrack?

10. Is 18 overplayed on the radio?
Is it even played on the radio?? as far as i know, not in Singapore, but Japan..?

11. What does 21 remind you of?
How atrocious Jap songs sound when translated to English. ><

12. Which song do you prefer, 5 or 22?
Eh hard. RETURNABLE MEMORIES is really good and i've listened to it over and over and over but Angels just makes me go WOW because of the singer's vocal range. ><
Aiyah overall RETURNABLE MEMORIES lah.

13. What album is 17 from?
Yeah, what album IS it from? Is it even from an album? Can you say Hagaren Song File?

14. When did you first hear 27?
When Mel sang it at the Taiwan Karaoke Competition. *facepalm* yes i am so loser, i know it, now shut up.

15. When did you first hear 7?
ehh when i first started getting hooked onto Tsubasa music? around the beginning of this year, ithink. ><

16. What genre is 8?
ERR. JPop? :D

17. Do any of your friends like 14?
Candehh likes it. =.= personally i find it too bubblegum-pop for me. ><

18. What color does 4 remind you of?
uhm... nothing actually...more like..uhh...white...uhm.. well daydreaming. x)) its boring, that song is.

19. Have you ever blasted 11 on your stereo?
i don't HAVE a stereo. But i would, if i could. x))

20. What genre is 37?
I don't know. *blink* is it pop? rock? country? I don't know. Kelly Clarkson fans, help? (CHELE THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT)

21. Can you play 13 on any instrument?
YES IT IS LUFF. i can play it on the piano! :D

22. What is your favorite lyric from 30?
there ARE no lyrics. =.= it's an overture! ohoh i know. DUN...DUNdundundunDUN...

23. What is your favorite lyric from 23?
WAH~ KAWAII!! (Maes Hughes with his camera strikes again!)

24. Would you recommend 24 to your friends?
uhm, seeing as i've only heard it once...i dunno! :D

25. Is 2 a good song to dance to?
How do you DANCE to LASTMEETing? (question directed at Candeh and FMA fans)

26. Do you ever hear 16 on the radio?
I DONT LISTEN TO THE RADIO EXCEPT FOR BBC.  Tell me, does the BBC play The Hush Sound?

27. Is 37 more of a nighttime or daytime song?

28. Does 36 have any special meaning to you?
Artemis..it's love. You know you have so many songs to listen to to encourage your fandom, esp. anime? Well Artemis is like..wow. O__O 
But no, not really much of a special significance. (speaking of special significance, HOW COME MY 213 SONGS NEVER POPPED UP. D:)

29. Do any of your friends like 31?
UHM candy sent this to me, so i suppose SHE likes it... havent actually listened yet. *guilty*

30. Is 25 a fast or slow song?
Upbeat, but not exactly..Trance to Homunculus fast.

31. Is 35 a happy or sad song?
Happy! x))

32. What is one of your favorite lyrics from 5?
Initially i didn't even understand what this meant, but after searching for the lyrics as well as english translation, i love this part:
Doko made mo tsudzuiteku rasen no you ni
Nigeru koto dekinai michi wo aruite
Shinjitsu wo shiru tsumi ni furuete mo
Kurushimi wo chikara ni mokaetemiseru
Doko e itte mo

which translates as:

Like a spiral that continues endlessly
Even if I walk on a road from which I can’t escape
And shudder from the sin of knowing the truth
I’ll show that I’ll change suffering into strength, no matter where I go

It's so Ed. :D

33. Is 34 better to listen to alone or with friends?
Alone. It's kinda quiet, and i get the feeling it's really personal (the lyrics) so yeah.. (omg this has to be the cheemest of all the comments so far.. this is really sad.)

34. When did you first hear 10?
Uhm, when i heard the tsubasa bg music, thought OMG THE OST COMPOSER IS A GENIUS and went to download the whole Tsubasa OST, thus stumbling upon this song. x))

35. Name 3 other songs by the artist who did 29.
Eheheh....*runs off to wikipedia*
1. Anata no Soba de 
2. Konna ni Chikaku de
3. Kitto Eien Ni


36. Do you know all the words to 6?
Nope. Candy does though. the toot's trying to memorise it all. 
i can only remember:
GOODBYE! Matta ashita ima kara egao than we can say!
GOOD (something!) ......... NEVER SAD DAY!


37. Does 28 have better lyrics or music?
Lyrics. PEOPLE SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT. GO WATCH AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH AND LISTEN TO I NEED TO WAKE UP. YOU NEED TO WAKE UP. seriously. but it doesnt act like a good alarm clock at all, this song. ><

38. What album is 10 from?
Uhm, Tsubasa Chronicle OST 1. Forgot the real title. ><

FMA dominates my tracklist, anime even more.

In conclusion: I have no life.

AACK LJ SCREWED UP MY FONT. ah to heck. i'm too lazy to change it. T___T
aiyah to heck!! people, really really sorry if the LJ cut doesnt turn up, but im too fedup to care. ><
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