Dec 30, 2004 08:22
ugh- i havent done any of the homework i planned on doing early on in the vacation..oh well.... yesterday my sis came for a visit...yay.. and today were going to all the St vincent depauls!!!double-yay....yesterday i went to portland with my friend amy and her sis an her sis's friend... first we went to this Sushi place that was cool cause the Sushi went around the table on a train track and i really hate sushi, but this place was nice cause it didnt smell all seaweedy and i got a rice and some miso soup...which was good and cheap....then we went to the WoodBurn outlet mall, which kinda suckes cause we spent an hour there, and everything was expensive and ugly... but i did get a cool pair of lime green knee highs....but that trip definently wasent worth 4 hours in the whats everyone doing for new years???... i need a party to go to :)