Jan 08, 2005 11:10
bleh..... i just got back from the dentist....ugh 5 cavities....they didnt have to drill them today, thankfully...... but they put this weird flouride gell in my mouth that i have to leave in for 6 hours and it tastes like the way wood varnish smells.... i have to use this special toothpaste and mouth wash and i cant chew sugar gum now... i just finished this mask i've been working on for weeks this morning... its made out of clay and when it dryes i'll bring it to school and have my teacher fire it.... it represents what its like to be a teenager to have developed views and idea's about the country, world and society but not able to have a voice since we cant vote yet and socitys disrigared teenagers opions, since we apparently arent old enought to form correct ones.... ya so it has a carved out swirly design on the head part, kinda like a head piece and then there is a piercing going through the lips , holding them toghther.... im pretty happy with it... i want to raku fire it.... it where u take it out of the kiln when its red hot and put it in a garbage can with newspaper and its so hot it lights the paper and flames go spurting out the top and u put the lid on and let it do its thing and when u take it out everywhere you didnt put glaze on it is a charcol black and placed you did turn flouricent colors.....it looks really cool.... sorry for the long explination for anyone who alrealy knows what it is... well today ijm going downtown to go shop at all those cool stores....