On Friday, Danny took me to a Japanese restaurant called Yamato's...
Danny and I are soooo h4wt!!11!
This is a sexy waiter from the restaurant!! Hehe!!
The other sexy waiter!! This one was soooo adorable!! I loved him!!
I fail with chopsticks... Sad, I know..
I continued to try. I could see the manager lady staring at me in disgust :(
Hang in there, Lisa T.T
I don't remember which waiter's butt this was, but it's nice, no?
Danny is h4wt!!11!
Thumbs down for a ggrreeeaaaaatt day!
Ooh, look at that stud again!!
It was super fun, Danny-chan! We ended up driving all the way across town for no reason.. Well we had a reason, but we spent the last of our money on gas to get there so we couldn't buy anything =/ Next time, we bring more money!! lolz XD