(no subject)

Sep 01, 2009 03:20

1. Thanks, everyone who commented on my last entry. Your concern is much appreciated and I love you all like crazy. I AM STILL ALIVE, is also what I would like to mention. My house has not been burned to the ground but the fire is totally still burning and looking SCARIER THAN EVER.

That was a really reassuring thing to say.

The threat to my neighborhood will actually extinguish itself shortly. That photographed portion of fire will run out of fuel once it consumes the rest of the bump, so oh my god oh my god oh my god. When I look out the window in the next couple days I will no longer have to see a WALL OF FLAMES. I imagine it will be a very good feeling. If the rest of California could say the same it would just be the BEST EVER.

2. I have been promoted! I am now a Media Coordinator. I would list the specific tasks the job entails if I had half an inkling as to the specific tasks I will even be doing. I will no longer be pushing huge carts around the building! Hurrah! That's the extent that I can tell you. Also I will have a company BlackBerry so the networks can contact me WHEN I AM SLEEPING to say their media is missing. That bit is perhaps not so good.
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