House 5x02

Sep 24, 2008 03:05

Oh my God, y'all. Do you see this?

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tv: house, pairing: house/wilson

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lacidiana September 24 2008, 12:57:26 UTC
You know, it's funny: season 3 actually bugged me a hell of a lot more than season 4, which seems to me a weird opinion to have, but... there you go. 8D; The only thing that really bothered me about season 4 was the fact that Chase and Cameron were still there rather than the whole selection process itself and getting the new people. I actually really like the new people (13 included!), but the fact that Chase and Cameron are still around feels really tacked on and time-consuming, you know? I feel like it'd do better justice to both their characters if they'd just been left at that rather than being thrown a "hurr-hurr" screentime bone every once in a while. At least Foreman still has a spot on the team, so his screentime is justified. (Plus he's my favorite of the original 3 so uh yeah. 8D)

Basically, it's not the shake-up that bugs me (and I am really glad they decided to change it all around at once rather than going through the mind-numbingly repetitive process of adding new people to the team one-by-one and dealing with the dynamic of them being a newbie among the others, etc., etc.), but rather the fact that so much screentime was taken away from the cases by the combination of the Suvivor thing and the original ducklings being around. One of the things I really liked about the show pre-S4 was that the cast was limited to 6 main people, so... yeah. AND NOW I'M RAMBLING. But basically Season 3 had me rolling my eyes a lot more at the Tritter arc and the rape victim and the LOL AMNESIA firefighter or whatever. At least something came of the Survivor arc in the end, rather than... absolutely nothing. (AND C'MON, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AWESOME IF HOUSE HAD TO SOLVE A CASE FROM JAIL.) But yeah, I don't mean to rabidly defend the season or anything since I didn't adore it either (S2 has that honor <3) just giving my two cents. 8D

OH, but I do have to say, that season 4 finale? Incredible fucking television.


YOU REALLY SHOULD. IT'S THAT GOOD, WHICH MAKES THE REST OF IT THAT UNIMAGINABLY FRUSTRATING. My theory? S1 got the writers so rich and fat and complacent on their asses that they just got lazy and bought a bunch of drugs and thought that'd give them the answers. YEAH, NO, TIM KRING. I HATE YOU IN WAYS I CAN ONLY EXPRESS WITH MY FISTS.

YEAH MAN YOU HIT THE JACKPOT ON THAT ONE. And yeah: I was up in Westwood to take a figure drawing class, which I have to park a few blocks away from, so I was walking there and I saw some people setting up cameras and lights and stuff on one corner, but that's about it. Then, a couple hours later, when I was walking back to the parking lot, I walked past the same set-up and it was like OH HI MONK. Tony Shalhoub was just standing there between cuts with his female co-star while the director talked to them or something. Unfortunately, I've only seen like one episode of Monk ever, so I did not fully appreciate this. (Kinda funny that a couple nights before, I'd had a dream about coming across Hugh Laurie in real life. MY BRAIN TRIES BUT FAILS AT PREMONITIONS APPARENTLY.)


tinted_glass September 24 2008, 13:24:03 UTC

The Replacement aspect of S4 bothered me more than the Tritter Arc (although honestly. HONESTLY? the Tritter Arc is high up there on my list of DO NOT WANT for my Shiny Doctor Show)! It's not that I minded a shakeup, exactly, or that the original ducklings were replaced (all at once), but I don't find any of the new cast members to be as sympathetic as the old ones, especially Kal's character who seems be given sporadic moments of insight to compensate for his otherwise superficial character interactions, development, etc. Sure, I think he's funny, cute and likable because of that, but it's a different kind of emotional connect, and I liked what the show presented before better. Even including Cameron. Er, so that's my two cents, anyway. :D

As long as I have you with me on the S1 journey, I will be fine. I HOPE. HOLD MY HAND AND GUIDE ME RIGHT. I TRUST YOU WITH IMPLICIT CANDOR.

I don't watch Monk either, but STILL. That's awesome. It's always pretty exciting to see production crews set up locations. And it's even better when you get to sneak a peek at the stars. :>


lacidiana September 24 2008, 13:37:14 UTC
YEAH, SORRY. DON'T KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED. D8 (Posted the comment and I was like ODAMN.)

APPARENTLY 320 DEVIANTART GENIUSES AGREE WITH ME ON THE TRITTER ARC SO kill me now but yeah, I can see where you're coming from in regards to Kal Penn's character, though again, I think that backing away a little from the easy retreads they can do with the original, already-established ducklings might give the writers some more time to develop their new characters rather than only giving us snippets of insight about the deeper facets of their characters, which, as you pointed out and which I agree with, have been lacking. D: BUT HAY WE GET HOUSE/WILSON STUFF NOW WOOOO.

Yeah screw spoilers I WANT TO BE THERE WITH YOU ANYWAY. It's kind of like 24 with leaving you on a cliffhanger EVERY SINGLE EPISODE (in a good way) and with GOOD twists and GOOD too-convenient coincidences (since that's kind of what the show is all about, aha) and GOOD, INTERESTING instances of characters going darkside (aka POWER-TEMPTED Nathan rather than BIBLE-THUMPING Father Petrelli) and... man.

Want to know a secret about Heroes fans? The reason most of us keep watching the show is because we're waiting for Season 1 to come back to us like a long-lost lover. It's like Waiting for Godot, except with torture.



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