Why so serious? SRSLY. Psych/TDK trailer.

Aug 21, 2008 03:26

I uh. GUYS, okay, I am sorry x 100000 that I didn't finish this sekrit project of mine five weeks ago when it would have been topical and not just another instance of OH JESUS WHY WON'T THE TDK CRAZE DIE ALREADY? I just. I couldn't resist making a cracked crack fake trailer with the film's audio because I thought GLEE THAT WOULD BE SO GREAT. ♥

So in all its wtfery, I bring you The Dark Knight Trailer #2, digitally remastered with Psych footage from all three seasons.

image Click to view

Making Shawn the Joker was super fun and possibly the best use for Final Cut that I have found so far, and no, I don't care what that says about me. :>

film: the dark knight, tv: psych, editing, fanvid

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