Feb 18, 2009 23:06
I've deleted most of my entries ~ woooh!
Well I've decided to make a new livejournal, a cosplay one. I think I'll start it at the end of the year.
It shall be eccentric_ribbons, eccentric_bows, Naomi_cosplay, zhangai_cosplay or something like that.
Hahahaha I'd prefer zhangai_cosplay but apparently zhangai is just gibberrish (my full chinese name is zhang ai ling and taking out the ling makes the whole name gibberish. but ailling together looks weird :/). I might just go for eccentric_ribbons....I could always screw the rules and have zhangai... meh i'll figure it out later :)
tata, I'll update this journal one last time when i have it all ready ^^