Books list 2013

Jan 01, 2014 15:27

41 one books. Broken Empire trilogy, Hobb's Blood of Dragons and Abercrombie's Red Country definitely top of the heap.
Kevin Hearne's stuff was an enjoyable read, and, sadly, I really enjoyed the first few Black Wings books and, despite being a bit cheesy, The Fairwick Chronicles. Most of the books that are parts of long running series (Blood Singer, Kara Gillian, The Hollows) have pee'd me off as I was on the wrong ship, or rather the author picked the wrong ship - I mean Bruno, really? Team Creede FTW! And I don't even get where Diana Rowland is going any more, Ryan CAN'T be the biggest bad, he just can't, and Rhyzkahl? As for Rachel, I was totally gearing up for her being more than Big Al's Itchy Witch Stoopid Trent. Oh and Anita, well herp derp. Why am I still reading that series?
Seraphina was okay and so was the Sandman Slim stuff, but everything else ranged from meh to making my eyes bleed.
Very sad that Kaylana Price didn't release the next Alex Craft book, like expected, fingers crossed things go better for her and it comes out soon.
Lots of books to look forward to this year, new series from Mark Lawrence, a new Fitz and Fool book from Hobb (squeeee) more Abercrombie, should be cool.
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