[SCREENCAPS] hanadan - JUNxMAO wed kissing scene.

Mar 29, 2010 08:34

i haven't posted for MONTHS weeks i think and im getting a bit sorry for my LJ account since i've been browsing around my friends entries
and i look like someone who is not interested with mine. XD *deserves a slap*

anyhoo~ me is here *at last*  to share JUNxMAO's wedding kissing scene in hanadan movie! :3 *applause for myself. im worthless, dont bother clapping your hands!! XDD* its JUST the kissing scene my oneechan captured because she was like "aa!! cute cute!!" and began to blush. well, its Jun BTW, i cant blame her..

so here it is. the LQ MQ (or maybe just judge it yourself) caps!

*well, i guess this was the first cap* XD

* and probably this was the 2nd?*

*the 3rd -- oh~ nothing really. its just my ex domyouji and makino enjoying the wed..

*the 4th-- this is the part where domyouji carried makino. i love the chemistry of the two!! *

*and the 5th -- CHUU~  maotsujun pairing is the best!!!*

*and lasto~ ♥*

the only thing i crave for hanadan movie is the chance of maybe if i watch it all over again and again, i might see neechan tsubaki there. why is she not there BTW? that is against the rules!! nyanya!! enough enough.

comments are welcome. if you have those negative thoughts to share, dont hesitate.. maybe i can fix my head. XD thanks! (^^")and you can take those if you like (as if someone will actually take some with this LQ pictures. mah~ mou ii yo. MAOTSUJUN ROCKS!! ♥)

hanadan, screencaps, jun matsumoto, mao inoue, movie

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