more reading

Oct 01, 2007 23:15

As I catch myself up on all the fanfics I've been reading lately:

Browncoats and Scabbards a Highlander/Firefly crossover written by idontlikegravy, in which "Methos and Richie have a spot of Alliance trouble so they buy passage on the only ship that will take them..." So far I like this. Unfortunately it's a WIP (and I try so hard not to read WIPs! What's wrong w/me lately?) but an interesting one. Which is probably part of the problem :p I don't like Duncan in this, he does make an appearance, but perhaps his unlikeability will be worked out satisfactorily, otherwise I think I'll have to downgrade the likeability of the whole thing :(

No Dominion is a Highlander/Anita Blake crossover written by auberus. Also a WIP. I also so far like this, but have even less to go on. I think I just like someone getting the jump on Edward and it being Methos. Aaaand I've probably given away too much. Anywho, it's only got 3 parts so far. If you scroll through the comments you'll see my whine about having more.

And the story that started me on this whole crossover tear, so much so that I joined highland_cross to find more, Blue Sun Rising another Highlander/Firefly crossover, this time written by jinxed-wood. This is yet another WIP, or maybe the first WIP since I started this one first, but at 12 chapters it's longer than the other two. If you liked Highlander and Firefly/Serenity, I think you'll really like this. My only issue, if I had to have one, is that the Firefly crew don't have much of an accent. Of course that might have just been the author deciding that it would be easier on her reading public if she didn't write in dialect. And it is. I'm just sayin' that if you're used to a more Western-looking text where Firefly is concerned, you're not going to find as much of that here.

series: anita blake, crossover, highlander, reading, idontlikegravy, firefly, fanfic

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