2301 / 50000 words. 5% done!
No extreme pain to report yet. But it's only the first day. And a Sunday. Wait until Tues when I can't write b/c I'm out on a date (!!!). I have a feeling relationships should not be started in November...
Anywho, w/Tues in mind, the goal for today is actually 4k. I'm off to do non-writerly things for a moment or several, then hopefully back to the writing. I have no idea where I'm going w/this story so I don't know if it's not just gonna stall out on me in the middle.
And in case you were wondering, yes all my icons are now nano-inspired. How I love November! There's a quote that would work for this fantastically. Something from LOTR that Gimli says. *ponders hard, trying to remember*