more of the reading

Feb 15, 2009 23:48

Unless I can somehow remember what novels I read between UnChristian and the stuff I listed in the last post, this is all going to be fic-related. Really, it's a shame the library doesn't keep records of these kinds of things. It'd make my life so much easier ;)

I don't know if I ever mentioned this one, but it's worth it for the unique pairing alone: Common Respect by mgsmurf. It's a Firefly fanfic with...a Simon/Zoe pairing. Yes, that's right...Simon/Zoe, or Zoe/Simon depending on how you want to work it. It's not a full on pairing, but they are the featured "couple." Heck...just go read it. You may have never thought it was possible, you may have never thought about it at all, but it's worth the read.

Suil Vain or Fair Winds by rapunzel, a LOTR/Buffy cross. I think this version is the whole-story-in-one-shot version, versus chapter by chapter. If I remember correctly it's incomplete but it had been updated fairly recently as of when I'd read it, so it looks like the author is keeping up with it. Anywho, here's the descrip: "Her heart still heavy from the loss of heaven, Buffy suddenly finds herself in Fangorn Forest. Will Middle Earth become her new home?"

I think this fic was the beginning (or reemergence) of my Haldir fixation: Just For Tomorrow by Jo Slater is a LOTR fic, featuring a grumpy Haldir and an OC. There's romance, but it's a slow build. Even the author lists her story under Drama and not Romance. I'm inclined to agree. Overall I liked, although I remember there being slow moments. Nothing terribly atypical. I did find the announcing of who was talking annoying, but that's one of my ficcish pet peeves.

Back to Firefly (and crossovers :D ) Ten Passengers Serenity Never Had by jedibuttercup is a nifty Buffy/Firefly free for all.

Death by Another Name by Jebbypal is a Firefly/Highlander crossover in which Methos, posing as one of Inara's clients, uses Serenity for transport. Problems, of course, ensue. Way long-ish.

This one is a wee new, according to my tag: From a World More Full of Weeping by azarsuerte is a Doctor Who/Chronicles of Narnia cross (I'm an equal opportunity crosser) in which Ten across a grown up, post Last Battle Susan. Or she comes across him. These things are strange that way.

*makes mental note to save/bookmark fics from previous postings...

The Joys of (Other People's) Marriage by orchids_or_iris is a pre-miniseries Tin Man fic in which Ambrose gets caught between his liege and her Consort. I particularly liked her portrayal of early-Ahamo and pre-Glitch Ambrose.

Going Medieval by kseda is another Tin Man fic, this time post-series. It's hi-larious. Hilarious I tell you. It's a good thing no one pays me any mind at work. They would have carted me off to the loony bin the day I read this at work.

I already mentioned this yesterday, but to make it official: If Things Were Different by fiestyfox is an ongoing, AU Tin Man fic that is fan-tabulous. Go. Read it.

I'm shocked I don't have more erin things to rec. Clearly I've been a bad reader and reviewing, b/c reviews and review responses are how I keep track of my fic. Bad, bad tinpra....Anywho... Wyatt Cain's Words of Wisdom by erinm_4600 is a brief collection of drabbles between Cain and Az (whose ship I will willingly crew since my attempt at captaincy turned into gen) although they're not shippy. Still...I loved them.

I read these two by jedibuttercup out of order. You can, but it makes more sense done the right way: Daughters of Charon and Witty Jack are both Pirates of the Caribbean/Buffy crossovers. Ironically I was thinking of this story a few days ago. Yes of course in the bathroom. That's where all my best thinking happens :p Highly enjoyable. I went traipsing through her journal looking for more after I read these two.

Part of erin's Cafeteria Boys series, No Laughing Matter makes a lot more sense if you don't skim the pre-story info. Trust me. And read the series. It's fantastic.

More crossing: Worthy of Your Soul is a Highlander/Doctor Who cross in which the TARDIS enlists Methos' help after the Time War and the Doctor's regeneration into Nine.

Of Light by rissy_james was also mentioned last night. Also made of wonderful, and I am woefully behind on the reading. It's a Tin Man fic. I'm linking here b/c the previous chapters are linked at the bottom. Go...get to reading!

And this is the last one of the night. My fingers hurt, lol. Another Life by wildsky_sheri is another Tin Man fic, in which Cain is forced through a time distortion and loses more than just time. Great, great stuff.

I'm only up to Jan 20th, or so, in responded-to-reviews and I entirely skipped over all the Yuletide reviews, so I have at least another day's posting to get through.

fic: the joys of..., fic: another life, fandom: tin man, fic: suil vain, fandom: doctor who/highlander, fic: witty jack, fic: from a world..., fandom: firefly/highlander, fic: worthy of your soul, fic: wyatt cain's words of wisdom, fic: no laughing matter, fic: of light, fic: going medieval, fic: common respect, fandom: firefly/buffy, fandom: firefly, fic: ten passengers..., fic: daughters of charon, reading, fandom: lotr/buffy, crossover, fic: just for tomorrow, fandom: lotr, fic: death by another name, fandom: narnia/doctor who, read, fandom: potc/buffy, fic: if things were different

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