dreams dreams dreams

Feb 19, 2010 19:02

Lots of weird ones this winter. Common themes:

- physical struggles. Many dreams where I'm chased by some gigantic man, cornered, and feebly trying to fight back - to find that I win! Dream me is pretty much a superhero... real strong, can fly on occasion, etc. Right on.

- death. I had one recently in which I was walking along some train tracks with a friend, and this silent speeding train appeared without warning and just plastered her to the ground. All I could do was stand there with my mouth hanging open - we hadn't seen or heard it coming.

- traveling. Lastnight my dream took place in Montreal where I was visiting an old friend. There was a beautiful, long, tall stone bridge that was blocked off from the other streets even though the city buses had to use it on some of their routes. Despite this, I managed to get around on those bus routes, whose buses could apparently morph right through the barrier without anyone noticing and speed across the gorgeous bridge unseen. People didn't believe me when I told them how I'd been traveling around the city.

There have been more but I can't remember right now...let's see what adventures tonight brings.


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