Quickie link post

Apr 16, 2006 12:35

Browsing my flist over the last two weeks, here are the links I absolutely need to share:

jennyo has rocking meta for BSG:
The Three Faces of Laura Roslin

wisteria_ asks about polite spoiler policies:
How long to wait until you make spoilery comments/use spoilery icons?

- in that vein, I'd like to thank my flist for being very considerate. I have never had problems with spoilers on my flist because everyone is lj-cutting their reviews and not using spoilery icons too early, and I'm really glad for that. Otherwise, being on LJ would not be the fun it is for me.

- well, there was that one incident where someone posted something uncut about the Farscape season 4 finale, and I was so mad at them for weeks that I finally defriended them. And that wasn't even close to the time that episode aired, so there is nothing I can rationally say to defend my reaction. But when you're behind, you're behind. *shrug*

So, really, the only courteous thing to do is to always lj-cut. Again, thanks to you all for being so nice!

mmmchelle links to articles about
the NSA routinely monitoring all Internet traffic
and an article about some Vermont towns' resolutions to impeach Bush:

rageprufrock lists
10 Things About Writing (Fannishly) I Have Learned Over Time

- and it applies to any fannish doings (mainly on LJ), not just writing, I think.

p.s.: If there are a disproportionate number of 'h'-s missing in my posts... my notebook keyboard is stuck on that key, and I often don't notice that it didn't actually type out the 'h'. :( But luckily I am in the process of buying a new notebook, anyway :).

tv-bsg, recs

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