Johnny Clegg!!! (plus icons)

Jul 23, 2005 14:57

We (all in all 5 friends) went to the Johnny Clegg concert last night.

It was beautiful, and exhausting, and almost as good as two years ago. He and his band were obviously exhausted from the gruelling tour schedule. He transponed (what's the english word for that? ;) ) most of the high notes down into a five tone interval - but in that interval his voice was still going strong. He also did a lot of the dancing and jumping around that we're used to from him, even though he's over fifty years old now. (We gave back just as well - only more up and down and less wide, there was not enough space to move :)) ) He played all his most popular songs (there were only three I didn't know).

They still didn't bring his "New World Survivor" album, even though I asked them to bring it last time, and I asked them by mail through his homepage

as well. ;( It has never been released outside of South Africa, you can buy it only in one place ( The guy on the merchandising stand seemed impressed by my tenacity, though, and promised to send me one free of charge - so I gave him my address scribbled on the back of the admission ticket. I guess it was a good sales pitch from his side, because I have nothing but his promise, but he sold us two t-shirts. :)

Now I'm dead tired and I have two numb toes from jumping and being jumped on, a sore neck from looking up at the band from standing in the first row right in front of the stage, a bruise on my ringfinger from applauding too much, and I generally feel like a sack of potatoes, all my muscles are aching. It feels wonderful. :)))

I still can't believe I saw him again, and again got to stand right up front - his sweat almost dripped on me. :) It's the kind of fannish activity I can manage. Not too expensive and no more than an hour of waiting with still getting the best spot. Yay! :)

I made some Johnny Clegg icons last time, but never posted them, because the good ones are way too big for lj, but probably still fun to look at.

Here are the harmless ones:


(170KB and 400KB)


And here's number 5 again, but in 188x188 pixels. Better to see (Johnny Clegg is the one in the foreground): (1.2 MB)

If you've never seen or heard of Johnny Clegg, you should!!! We had one girl with us last night who didn't know him, and she totally loved it.

art-icons, rl-events, rl

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