15 multifandom icons for somein30

Sep 30, 2021 08:20

The current round at somein30 was Friendship Book, and for Hard Mode, you had to answer a lot of more or less personal questions - one for every icon. There were 50 questions, and I managed 15 icons before the month ran out unexpectedly. :D

sexual orientation fave sport fave school subject relatable animal sense of humor

attracted to hair color good at guilty pleasure what i respect

fave color most thankful afraid of moral alignment fave music genre

Rambling about the answers:

5 What is your sexual orientation?
Het, and I'm into nerds. :)

12 Favorite sport or physical excercise (to watch or participate in)
Ballroom dancing

13 What is/was your favorite subject at school?
Ethics - this icon shows Chidi from The Good Place having to confront the Trolley Problem.

19 Which animal do you relate to the most?
My cat :D

34 What is your sense of humour like? (E.g. dark humour, sarcasm, memes, silliness...)
British. Monty Python are still one of my faves.

23 Character or celebrity you're attracted to?
Zhu Yilong (duh :D)

16 What colour is your hair?
My hair is not a very interesting color, a little darker than Scott Bakula's. But it has that white streak in front - just like Scott Bakula's.

25 Something you are good at
Making icons, I guess? At least I've been practicing that for over a decade. ;)

32 What is your vice/bad habit or guilty pleasure?
RPF - shipping Zhu Yilong with Chen Minghao (and other co-actors)

38 What kind of people do you respect the most?
I had to think long and hard about this one. I admire people who are intelligent, but I can't respect anyone who doesn't put in the work. So my answer is: hard-working and disciplined and diligent. The Chinese characters on this icon are "xinku", which means "hard-working".

8 Your favorite color
Yellow! The Chinese characters on this icon say "taiyang", which means "sun".

47 What are you grateful for?
My better half.

49 What are you afraid of?
Scary movies, especially jump scares.

50 Which moral alignment type fits you the best?
Lawful good. I'm boring. :)

10 Your favorite genre of music
Classic Rock from the 70s/80s - exemplary for the genre, this icon shows Freddie Mercury from Queen.


Comments = good! Concrit = good, too! <3 All shareable, credit very much appreciated. Texture and brushes makers: listed in my resource post.

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