10 multifandom icons for fandom10in30

Sep 25, 2021 17:42

This month's challenge at
fandom10in30 was "ten different fandoms", the more different the better, so I jumped on the chance to help fill my
100fandomicons table with this. I - for once - started from the prompts, and tried to find ten different genres for these icons, too. It was an easy, fun set, and I had fun figuring out my favorite examples for each genre (that I hadn't used in my table yet).


Hover for fandom and genre


I love every single comment. All icons shareable! To see who made the textures and brushes I use: see my resource post.

Previous icon posts:

x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-cdrama, tv-boylove, art-icons, tv-expanse, tv-unsortable

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