Review of We Best Love: No. 1 For You + Craving You

Jul 23, 2021 11:53

I recently watched these two unrelated Taiwanese BL shows and thought I'd write up a review for both of them. They are unrelated, but since both reviews are so short, I put them into the same post.

1) No. 1 For You

We Best Love: No. 1 For You is a Taiwanese BL that several people on my flist loved, so I checked it out, too. (If you are one of those people, please don't interpret this as a personal dig, we don't all have to have the same taste. <3)

The show only has six 25-minute episodes, so is really fast to get through. I watched four of those before throwing in the towel.

Zhou Shu Yi and Gao Shi De spend the night locked in at the school

Does it have a happy ending? Yes.

Is it a rec? No.

What's it about? Zhou Shu Yi and Gao Shi De were rivals in competitive swimming in high school, and now they meet again in university. I now realize that I can't actually talk about how the relationship develops without starting to rant, so I'll do that under the cut.

* The first encounter is that one of them saves the other one from drowning in the pool. Although he's not actually drowning? He might be trying to kill himself, maybe? I don't know. Anyway, it starts with a non-con underwater kiss that is played as a kiss-of-life.

* The next thing is that the more powerful/popular of the two forces the other one to work for him as his personal assistant. He blackmails him into spending time with him, basically.

* The third thing is that he locks them both in at school overnight (without revealing to the other very scared one that he did so).

In sum: this show goes about the relationship in all the ways I don't like. It's all forced non-con proximity played as romantic. Ymmv.

If you do want to watch it, it's here:

And if you like it, there is also a sequel, called We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd . (also on dailymotion)

2.) Craving You

And another one, Craving You. Another Taiwanese BL, only 10 very short 10-minute episodes.

Happy End with pastry

Does it have a happy ending? Yes.

Is it a rec? No.

What's it about? Kane, a singer, and Kent, a pastry chef, have to collaborate to promote their respective businesses and fall in love on the way.

The only reason I don't recommend it is that the whole show is completely inconsequential. It's not bad! I only failed to get invested because of the cheap production values. It's not much of a time investment, though, so feel free to decide for yourself.

* The production is very cheap and reminded me of HIStory2 - lots of over-the-top side characters, including a fujoshi who insists on commenting on the relationship the whole time, and Kyan's agent, whose overacting is almost funny again in places.

* The relationship itself is believable and sweet and loving, though.

* Kyan sings the same song three times, and then another song also more than once. Right, we get it, he's a singer.

* The pastry chef has several OCDs and a fear of enclosed spaces. I did like the tension in the scenes where they got locked in at his kitchen/shop due to a power outage. That was actually romantic.

* Then there's a little doubt from both sides, lots of pastry making, some singing. They get together. The end.

The show is available on Viki: - it might be a Viki original, I'm not sure.

x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-cdrama, tv-boylove, recs-tv

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