10 Minimalist icons for somein30 - mostly Guardian, some LTR

Feb 28, 2021 17:20

This month's challenge at somein30 was Minimalism vs Complexity, and since I've been pretty busy since... November /o\, I decided to go for minimalism all the way. This means this set is normal mode. I tried to make all the icons with full-body crops and as plain a background as possible. As you will see, I did not always succeed. :D


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art-icons, tv-cdrama-losttombreboot, tv-guardian

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Comments 17

violateraindrop February 28 2021, 16:42:01 UTC
These are awesome! The colors and compositions of 5 and 6 are great :D


tinnny February 28 2021, 16:53:24 UTC
Thank you! <3 I really had to force myself to keep them simple, but... they didn't want to cooperate. :D


abyss_valkyrie February 28 2021, 17:09:28 UTC
EEEEE!!The pair icon of WeiLan and cake makes me so happy!I love your icons 3-5! 8 and 9 are also cute! This full body with simple designs are making me want to make some icons like this now!


tinnny February 28 2021, 18:00:58 UTC
Heheee, yes, the cake icons go together! :D

The tomb show has a lot of funny poses. <3

The full body on plain background style is very popular in general, I think. It was fun to stick with it for this challenge.


abyss_valkyrie February 28 2021, 19:01:46 UTC
The full body on plain background style is very popular in general, I think.
The funny thing is,I always end up adding something or the other to my plain BGs so I think it just stuck out to me!XD


sietepecados February 28 2021, 17:46:38 UTC
Wonderful set! I love the negative space on these, especially 2, 5 and 6 :)


tinnny February 28 2021, 18:01:20 UTC
Thank you! <3


jsfunction February 28 2021, 17:57:26 UTC
Oh wow, I'm very surprised you took the minimalist option! These are really pretty, I love the cohesive negative space + full body look you used, it ties this set together so well.

3 and 4 are probably my favorites, those blue background gradients are so gorgeous and give the icons the perfect amount of shine. Also great coloring on both, the blues pop so nicely.
The three text icons are wonderful as well, personally I'd say all of them are complex but it's subjective of course :) The cake one has this super fun whimsical cartoon look that is just delightful to look at, and very well executed. The typogrpahy, coloring and lighting on 5 and 6 are just fantastic, both of the color combos look great.
Also omg 2 is the cutest thing, that is one fluffy looking cat <3 Very pretty muted coloring too.

Awesome job, thanks so much for entering! :)


tinnny February 28 2021, 18:08:55 UTC
Oh wow, I'm very surprised you took the minimalist option!

Really? Ah well, I usually would have done a half and half set, but I am really extraordinarily busy this year. The thought of "complex" was a stressful one, so I simply didn't want to. :D (It is letting up a little now, but slowly.)

In previous years, I always had "more complex icons" as a resolution for the year, but this year I had to leave that out.

I love the cohesive negative space + full body look you used, it ties this set together so well.

Thank you! It was difficult to stick to that. My muse kept going and trying to add textures and text. :D

The three text icons are wonderful as well, personally I'd say all of them are complex but it's subjective of course :)

IKR? Yes, me too. :D But they still look like they belong in that set, and the plain background color helps with the minimalism. Let's just say, if I'd tried to make them complex, there'd be more textures! :D

Thank you so much for the detailed comments on the text icons. <3


tinebrella February 28 2021, 18:11:07 UTC
3 and 8 are lovely!


tinnny February 28 2021, 18:16:05 UTC
Thank you!


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