10 cdrama (Guardian + Lost Tomb Reboot) icons for fandom10in30

Nov 29, 2020 11:18

The current round at
fandom10in30 was Foreign Affairs, meaning we had to icon things that are in other languages than English. I'm sure
abyss_valkyrie had something to do with choosing this theme. :D I decided to make it a little harder by limiting myself to two shows: Guardian and The Lost Tomb. Enjoy!

Row 1: Guardian
Row 2: The Lost Tomb Reboot

I didn't actually manage to put much (foreign) text on them, except for
3: "就死" meaning something like "die now" or "just die"
7: "没事" meaning "it's fine, it's nothing" or in this case "i'm fine"


Comments welcome! Concrit welcome! All icons shareable. Texture and brushes credit in my resource post.

Previous icon posts:

x-posted from dw (comments:

art-icons, tv-cdrama-losttombreboot, tv-guardian

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