27 multifandom (mostly Zhu Yilong) icons for somein30

Sep 29, 2020 18:26

jsfunction and thyla87 founded a new icon challenge comm, somein30 ! The first challenge was already plenty hard and so much fun! They got 30 sign-ups, omg. O_O So the first challenge was to make between 5 and 20 icons for randomized technical prompts. There was a handy game board with your dice rolls marked, too! I extended mine to show the second round (for the last four ( Read more... )

tv-cdrama, art-icons, tv-cdrama-dreamlikelife, tv-actor-baiyu, tv-actor-zhuyilong, tv-cdrama-losttombreboot

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Comments 24

violateraindrop September 29 2020, 17:15:35 UTC
14 looks so cool! I love the coloring and window borders which is such a great idea. I also really like 14 with the hint of color :D


tinnny September 29 2020, 18:25:18 UTC
Thank you!

I am not a fan of frames or borders, and always struggle with full body crop, but when I saw that cap, I knew what I was going to do. (It involved a whole lot of manipping to get the doors to look like proper borders.... I am glad the effort paid off!)

Yeah... some of those are only vaguely related to the prompt. I also think that 15 looks more like b/w+color than "muted", the stars in 14 are more texture than "stock", and the "blending" one in 7 barely blends at all... :)


violateraindrop September 29 2020, 19:34:13 UTC
Ugh, that was supposed to say 10 of course, but you know what I mean lol
You used hard mode though! It's the thought that counts, even if it's not 100% blending ;)

I feel the same about frames and borders. I keep looking through a ton of textures and it never feels right.


luppiters September 29 2020, 19:14:20 UTC
Ohhh love this set so very much! I love your spin on these themes a lot and I think you did a great job with them.
If I were to pick favorites, I'd go with 5 (so shiny indeed! Love the background work and the blue coloring), 6 (amazing!), 9, 14 (using the window as the border is so clever and everything about the icon just works), 16 (the hair!!) and 20.
Love this batch so much!


tinnny October 4 2020, 11:35:31 UTC
Thank you! \o/

Thanks for picking 5, I was never sure what makes something duochrome, and if this even fits. :)

14 was such a lot of work, because... well, the windows were not in the right place, and then they were barely visible. I am so happy it turned out well.

16 is probably my fave from the set, and the hair was almost a complete coincidence. :D


littlemissnovel September 29 2020, 23:31:57 UTC
I so love the painting effect you have with your coloring! My favorites are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17 and 20!


tinnny October 4 2020, 11:36:01 UTC
Thank you! I love painty effects so much! :D


alexia_drake October 1 2020, 03:27:45 UTC
Beautiful icons. I love the colors and lighting in 1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 16, 18, and the compositions in 1, 12 and 13 :)


tinnny October 4 2020, 11:36:27 UTC
Thank you! Thanks for picking faves. <3


under_thefloor October 1 2020, 09:22:41 UTC
I had one prompt for duochrome and that's where I decided that (extra) hard wouldn't work for me on the icons, LOL
I LOVE that one! #12 is definitely my favorite!

Other than that my favorites are 5, 10 and 19.
Great batch!


tinnny October 4 2020, 11:38:05 UTC
Some of those themes were *so hard*!

My personal nemesis in this set was "blobs of color" + "decorative accent". How?? :D For the longest time I thought the whole set would fail with that one icon. /o\

Thanks for picking faves! I liked 12 so much I made it one of my usericons. That barely ever happens.


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