10 orgy icons for fandom10in30

May 01, 2020 15:23

wickedgame (shameless666) has taken over
fandom10in30, and he makes great challenges! The one this month was: "Who would you invite to an orgy?" and it required iconing at least three different characters/people. I dithered for a while before settling on making this an RP set, inviting actual people, not characters. Of course I wanted to invite as many as possible, so this ended up one large orgy! :D And you'll need a time machine to make this particular orgy happen, too. ;)

In the spirit of the theme (and absolutely not required), I iconed them all as if they were coming to said orgy - either undressing or undressed, or at least as much of it as I could manage. *g*


I invited:

Alan Rickman
Colin Firth
David Tennant
George Clooney
Harrison Ford
Pierce Brosnan
Scott Bakula
Tom Ellis
Tyler Hoechlin
Zhu Yilong

I chose those people on the basis of character and expected fun they'd be at an orgy, not purely on looks (although, mostly on looks :) ). Except for Zhu Yilong, who I invited despite his character and expected fun he'd be (or have) at an orgy. ;D Consequently, I purposely did not invite Bai Yu, because he'd either monopolize Zhu Yilong or take him out of there altogether, and that would seriously decrease the value of my orgy. (I want him to myself, okay?)

The sources are mostly posed sexy pics from the actors, except for Tom Ellis, who is conveniently naked a lot as Lucifer, Colin Firth, who has that popular wet shirt pic from P&P that I couldn't resist, and Scott Bakula, of whom a ton of pin-up photos exist from when he was younger, but for some reason I found the simple screenshot from NCIS New Orleans far sexier. I think it's the hair.

I know I put way too much thought into this, lol.

Hover for actor name.







I treasure every comment, and concrit is welcome, too! My resource post lists all the makers whose textures and brushes I use.

Previous icon posts:

x-posted from dw (comments:

art-icons, tv-actor-zhuyilong, tv-unsortable

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