Things To Do in Isolation

Mar 29, 2020 19:18

I'm sure most of you are better informed than I am, but in case there are some comms you haven't seen, this post is lifted verbatim from
spikedluv :

I hope the formatting comes across ok, because this is pure html instead of lj code, but I'm too lazy to retype. If not, the original post is here:


Here are some things to check out if you’re looking for something to entertain you while you’re home:

Fests & Exchanges:

sholio’s Happy Distracting Comment Fest

undeadrobins’s Kissathon

rounds_of_kink is currently running an amnesty round and up next is their April Fools Mini-Round.

flashexchanges is running a please give my fave all the nice things exchange.

fictional_fans is hosting a recs for fanfic or pairings or canons that are good for while anxious and stuck in the house

lockdownfest is hosting a non-anon, self-posting, multi-ship and multi-fandom mini fest that is designed to bring comfort to everyone staying indoors under quarantine restrictions at the moment and to all of us experiencing fear because of the pandemic.

DW Coping Comms:

fansathome: A place for people to share recommendations, fandoms, works, and ways to keep busy while at home!

fandom_checkin: Every 24 hours, we’ll put up a new check-in poll. All you have to do is click two buttons once a day or so, and your friends will be able to tell how you’re doing, even if you don’t have the time or energy for anything else. If days and days go by without you checking in, someone will try to get hold of you by a different means, especially if you’ve indicated that you’re on your own. ... Chat in the comments about what's going on and how you’re doing, as much or as little as you want to share, and if there is something anyone can do to help besides listen. Nothing has to be on-topic.

covidcoffeecorner: This is a community for folks who are currently missing social interaction. Chatting--everything from small talk to deep conversation--is important, and even if we currently can't see friends, family, or coworkers, we can hang out here. We'll post once a day at least until the end of March.

covid_corvid: Here's a community that serves as an index of all the interesting things to do online while you're stuck at home in isolation.

stayinside: Staying Sane While Staying Inside

Other people have put together much more comprehensive lists than mine:

umadoshi: Linkspam: Comforting/Distracting/Social/Etc. Things

st_aurafina: linkspam

kalloway: Some ongoing creative things for the next time period

tozka: social distancing is better with free things


x-posted from dw (comments:


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