100fandomicons for 2020

Feb 15, 2020 08:06

Challenge yourself to make 100 icons in 100 fandoms! Sign up here!

It was so much fun last year that I'm trying it again!
abyss_valkyrie agreed, so we created a community for it. Join us if you like!


My table for 2020, finished on December 24th:

Hover for fandom.

001. alive 002. animal 003. away 004. bed 005. belong

006. black 007. blue 008. blur 009. bottle 010. brilliant

011. brown 012. candy 013. chance 014. collage 015. complex

016. contrast 017. courage 018. crack 019. crowd 020. cuddle

021. discover 022. distance 023. drawing 024. dust 025. edge

026. faded 027. fall 028. fantasy 029. fear 030. fight

031. final 032. fire 033. food 034. game 035. ghost

036. green 037. ground 038. heart 039. here 040. history

041. home 042. hope 043. hug 044. inside 045. key

046. laughing 047. lavender 048. levels 049. lighting 050. mask

051. mean 052. mirror 053. morning 054. music 055. neg. space

056. new 057. noise 058. numbers 059. obscure 060. old

061. outfit 062. overlay 063. perfection 064. photograph 065. promise

066. quotation 067. rain 068. red 069. right 070. run

071. scenery 072. scratch 073. settle 074. shadows 075. silence

076. sleeping 077. space 078. spring 079. star 080. steal steele

081. stock 082. storm 083. sun 084. swing 085. teasing

086. text 087. textured 088. three 089. time 090. truth

091. turn 092. voyage 093. water 094. waves 095. weeping

096. welcome 097. white 098. wings 099. work 100. yellow

Alphabetical list by fandom

9-1-1 Lone Star (13)
ALF (60)
Aladdin (56)
Arabela / Die Märchenbraut (91)
Arrested Development (55)

As Flowers Fade and Fly Across The Sky (花谢花飞花满天) (88)
Babylon 5 (4)
Back to the Future (82)
Before We Get Married (我们不能是朋友) (7)
Black Sails (94)

Bordertown Prodigal (新边城浪子) (30)
Bromance (愛上哥們) (84)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (44)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (45)
Casablanca (65)

Casanova (85)
Community (96)
Country Practice (9)
Daming Pinfei (大明嫔妃) (8)
Detective L (绅探) (76)

Dinosaurs! (57)
Doctor Who (Nine) (29)
E.R. (19)
Fack Ju Göhte (53)
Fairyland Lovers (蓬莱间) (51)

Family Matters (Jaleel White) (86)
Farscape (24)
Friends (97)
Fringe (52)
Frozen (10)

Fyra Ar Till (48)
Galavant (49)
Game of Thrones (98)
Ghost (35)
Gintama (99)

Granting You a Dreamlike Life (许你浮生若梦) (38)
Guardian (镇魂) (50)
HIStory3 - Make Our Days Count (5)
HIStory3 - Trapped (70)
Harry Potter (1)

Hit the Floor (41)
In Plain Sight (25)
Jane The Virgin (46)
Lost in Space (73)
Lucifer (18)

M.A.S.H. (62)
Merlin (2)
Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life (33)
Musicians (Joe Cocker) (54)
My Next Life as a Villainess (75)

My True Friend (我的真朋友) (83)
NCIS (79)
Nightmare Before Christmas (32)
October Faction (37)
Oh My General (将军在上) (27)

Out of Sight (12)
Outlander (89)
Parker Lewis Cant Lose (87)
Parks and Rec (90)
Phineas and Ferb (93)

Pride and Prejudice (58)
Princess Returns (御姐归来) (100)
Psych (59)
Red Dwarf (77)
Remington Steele (80)

Santa Clarita Diet (69)
Schitt's Creek (72)
Secret Love Affair (밀회) (68)
Six Feet Under (71)
Sledge Hammer (66)

Star Trek - Picard (16)
Star Trek Reboot (42)
Star Trek TNG (3)
Stargate (92)
Stock (81)

Stumptown (74)
Suddenly This Summer (忽而今夏) (22)
Sungkyungkwan Scandal (성균관 스캔들) (39)
Supernatural (31)
Teen Wolf (61)

Terminator (17)
The Expanse (6)
The Good Place (21)
The IT Crowd (11)
The Last Tomb Reboot ( 重启之极海听雷) (67)

The Librarians (23)
The Mandalorian (36)
The Mindy Project (14)
The Rebel (叛逆者) (40)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (28)

The Story of Ming Lan (知否知否应是绿肥红瘦) (78)
The Untamed (魔道祖师) (26)
The Walking Dead (43)
The X-Files (20)
Timeless (34)

To Dear Myself (亲爱的自己) (63)
Veronica Mars (95)
Yang and his Summer (胡杨的夏天) (64)
You Me Her (47)
Zhu Yilong (15)

Previous tables: 2019

x-posted from dw (comments:

recs-promo, art-icons, lj-memes, lj-yearly, tv-unsortable

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