Stumptown 1x09

Dec 13, 2019 17:19


Hm.... so this turned out a little different than expected. But the case was kinda nice.

* OK, so none of us predicted this scenario. Yes, we did consider that they didn't have sex, or that they wouldn't remember. But that Liz honey-trapped Dex, that was not on the list. I think that's because it's not in character for Liz. I am always the first to blame the writers for everything, and I will do so here, too. I feel like Liz hasn't been treated like a character. She swoops in, criticizes Grey a lot, then he says one word to her and she's gone again. I would bet on her not returning. If this is all we see of Liz, then I'm not impressed. That means she's only a plot McGuffin to "reveal interesting things about Grey".

* Too bad I am not interested in Grey. Especially if the "interesting thing" is that he's in love with Dex, because I am most certainly not interested in that. Ah, well.

* I see how Ansel wants to be a grown-up, but moving out? I did not see that coming. I am not quite against this plotline yet. It could be interesting, if they figure out how to write him convincingly. I tried finding reviews about that from people who actually know someone with Down Syndrome, but so far no luck. But I found a nice interview with Cole Sibus:

- I did not understand a word of the conversation between Ansel and Tookie. Ansel is hard to understand, and I couldn't hear what he was asking, and Tookie was meant to be ranting off-topic, so that didn't help my understanding either. Hm.

* I liked everything we found out about Dex this episode. It was all about Chaos vs. Order and all of the advice she got made sense.

* Although: making your bed? Should not be a challenge for a soldier. And it was kind of basic advice, and I don't see Dex just jumping, especially not when it's Sue Lynn telling her to. That seemed a little too flat for me.

* I liked Miles a lot in this episode. Asking his colleague about his relationship problems is still very cute. The fact that he listened to her makes me like him even more.

* More good advice: Vulnerability is not weakness. Vulnerability is attractive. All very true, and it should be mentioned more often.

* I concluded from the ending that we're in for more obstacles between Grey and Dex. I don't want Miles to be an obstacle. I want Miles to be a character who makes a difficult relationship with a difficult person work.

* The case... well. I almost didn't recognize Lindy Booth. Dex at the school was... not that funny. The car (and foot) chase was completely superfluous. ("Why do they run?" Good question, Miles.) It bought them 2 minutes of screentime that could have been better spent... ah well. I did not like the script this episode, I'm guessing more time with unrealistic/ooc characters is not what I would have wanted, either.

* I liked the idea of Cosgrove and Hoffman talking to each other in front of the criminal, to get them to talk. But accusing them of being a low-life dirtbag, that sucked. (And I blame the writers again.) Cosgrove would not be that stupid. Her interrogation of the student, otoh, was smart. She stayed within the rules there.

*While I didn't like that episode much, it's still great to watch Dex to anything and everything. She's wonderful and fascinating, and I hope we'll get more interesting episodes soon.

x-posted from dw (comments:


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