Battlestar Galactica - My first impression

Jan 29, 2005 20:36

I saw the mini and the first thing I thought was "wow, these cylons are way cool, I'm so looking forward to this." Then it turns out they look like humans, and I felt cheated. I hate ploys to cut production costs and I'm accusing them of one.

Nothing else really to complain about in the mini. I was very confused about the names, especially the gender-switch(es). I loved the OS, but I haven't seen it in years, so I didn't really remember who was who. Well, at least this time they don't have a mechanical dog. :))

Baltar was very intriguing, and hot, in the mini.

I liked the female president, she has guts.

My favorite ship definitely has to be Boomer with the Chief of Engineering. That guy is just cute, and so is she. Does he even have a name? He doesn't show up on any of the cast rosters, there are no publicity shots of him... . He's going to get killed off. Right? Not to mention that the ship is doomed anyway. But every Boomer ship is.

Btw, isn't it funny that you can canonically ship two guys with Boomer?

Then I watched the first two episodes after the mini:

Apollo is not my taste (sorry, girls).

The militariness of it all was getting a bit on my nerves, but I liked the looks we got of Commander Adama and his second-in-command, how they're suffering alongside everyone else. That really wasn't bad.

Baltar's constant distraction and daydreaming with his personal cylon is getting old pretty fast, and I resent the eye candy they're inserting to the show through her. (yeah, I know, pretty hypocritical, I have nothing against male eye candy. Unfortunately, there's as good as none on that show for me...)

I admit I had real trouble resisting Starbuck. I can only repeat what rhienelleth said: 'Starbuck is continuing to turn straight women gay' - and there's nothing to add to that. That girl is hot. I've always been attracted to strong, androgynous women, no surprise there. She fits the profile and she's good at playing the part of Starbuck. It took some time to wrap my head around the genderswitch, but after a while, nothing seems odd anymore. Add to that the fact that I've always had a crush on Starbuck, even in the original (hey, I was young :)).

I have no idea why there are still humans alive. The cylons obviously have spies onboard at least one ship. They could have killed all the humans a hundred times already. After all, they're not the ones who have limited resources or need inconvenient things like sleep and water. I do not get why they wouldn't just get it over with, except if they're playing with them, like a cat plays with a mouse. But there's no sense in that, either. This is really a big problem in my book, because it invalidates pretty much everything the show has shown us so far. I'm not expecting an explanation for it, so I guess I'll just have to set it aside and ignore it. Humph.

Anyway, after those two episodes, I decided not to continue watching. Not that I thought it was a bad show exactly, I can't put my finger on anything that really turns me off. Except maybe that the cylons have the upper hand, they could crush the humans in a heartbeat, and it makes no sense to me that they wouldn't. It's just that I didn't need another military space opera on my weekly schedule. And the feeling of being cheated out of lots of gleaming cylon warriors overshadowed the good parts. ;)

Well, now several people on my flist are promoting BSG like crazy, so I'm thinking, why not? Maybe I should give it another chance. I did after all get the first six episodes, so why not watch them while I'm at it...

So, here's to your marketing skills. :)) I will maintain that it's all your fault.


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