Book #9 Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie

Sep 13, 2018 22:10

Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie (Radch book 3)

The conclusion to the trilogy

The climax of the second part was so well done, I immediately wanted to read the third part, and damn is it awesome! I already liked the second part, but the third part is even better.

There is a lot of suspense, very high stakes and political repercussions. I loved the ambitious scope of it.

The second book was small and focused on few characters and felt like mostly dialogue without much plot. I liked it, but it was a small quiet affair, and now this book completely blew that out of the water. I did not expect it but woah did it work!

* The main thing I loved about it was that Breq realized that she was deluding herself in the last installment and that she's not perfect. She gave away her identity at the end of the second part, and now everyone was reacting to their changed perception of her. I wasn't aware of that problem while reading the second book, either, and that made this revelation work really well for me.

* It was nice to see that the ones who loved her before still do. (And that what Seivarden feels really is love. Making it text was nice. Even though she is unable to reciprocate but at least she is able to enjoy his closeness.)

* I loved that it led to a discussion about who is human, and who is a citizen. I love AIs!

To be honest, I don't even know what more to say about it, except that it was very cool. If you want to discuss it with me, do!

5 stars. Very good conclusion to the trilogy.

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9 - 5 stars - Ancillary Mercy [DW]

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