10 Fyra År Till icons for 10in30

Aug 15, 2018 14:50

This feels like it might be my last Fyra År Till set (the audience sighs in relief... ;) ). It's turned out kind of similar to the Mood Ring set, because there are 5 happy and 5 sad ones, and of course the sad ones are mostly dark and grey. I only realized that halfway into it, but it was too late to change then. The challenge at 10in30 was "Extremes", and I chose far vs close, happy vs sad, and vibrant (mostly yellow) vs. muted (almost b/w even). Despite the superficial similarity to the last set, it was a completely different approach and a fun set to make.

TOP: vibrant + close
BOTTOM: b/w + far

Plus there are 5 happy ones and 5 sad ones - all the happy ones are on top, except one (it's not hard to tell which one :)).
I also tried to make 5 complex ones but only managed 3.


Comments are love! Concrit absolutely allowed! For textures and brushes I use, see my resource post.

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