10 gay movie icons for fandom10in30

Jul 03, 2018 22:34

I really only wanted to make icons for Fyra År Till, but the other movies do deserve a spot, as well, so three of the ten icons in this set are from Love Simon, Weekend, and Threesome. *g*

Fyra År Till makes me think of how David is always wearing suits, lost in his thoughts. We just see glimpses of his confused feelings, always buttoned up, and that produced more muted icons than is usual for me. But it turns out that mood fits the theme of the challenge at
fandom10in30 really well: "odd or obscure cropping".

My fave icons in this set (and my fave scenes in the movie) are the ones where they're kissing with their hands in their pockets (pushing all my buttons!) :

Hover - everything without hover text is from Fyra År Till.





All of these are snaggable as usual, except for number 4, because I'm going to be already using that myself. Please see my resource post for credit for textures and brushes I use. Concrit always welcome!

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