The best fics I have read this past month - 2 Timeless OT3, 2 B99, 1 Teen Wolf

May 19, 2018 12:50

My second monthly fic rec post! So far I feel motivated to do this - let me know if you like it, please? I didn't get a single comment on my last post, but that is not deterring me yet ( Read more... )

recs-fic, tv-timeless, tv-b99, tv-teenwolf

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tinnny May 19 2018, 15:17:19 UTC
I am so sorry to have made you doubt it.

I loved Timeless to bits last season, but this season was barely watchable. I don't know what those writers were thinking/smoking/drinking. :(

If you continue watching, and want to talk about it, both wendelah1 and I would be happy to discuss with you at timeless_lifeboat (on dw)!

Actually, what's starting to get to me is how convoluted the plot is getting.

Yeah, they've never really grasped the interesting parts of time travel. I've come to terms with that, somewhat, but the longer the show goes on the harder it is to believe.

The first season charmed me entirely on a) its unabashed female-centric storytelling and b) its wonderful characterizations. Both of those suffer in season 2, sadly.

That said, there are at least two eps that are immensely worth watching as standalones. No matter the rest of the arc, I would still recommend watching those.

if it turns into another Grimm, I'm out of there!

What put you off Grimm? I stopped when the nazis showed up. I don't remember when that was, but that storyline made no sense at all. I always wanted to get back into it, but when I found out what they were doing to my favorite character (Captain Renard), I didn't bother.


gilda_elise May 20 2018, 11:47:18 UTC
I most certainly intend to continue watching. Hopefully, it'll stay the course. Once I see another episode or two, I'll meet up with you on timeless-lifeboat.

As far as Grimm goes, part of it was how ridiculous the storyline was getting, everything part of a grand conspiracy which made no sense. The other part was what they did to the Juliette character. I loved how normal she was at the beginning, in juxtaposition to how Nick's life was going. Then they turn her into a killer, who Nick can't forgive, even though she's not in her right mind when she does it. Oh, but Adalind's crimes are conveniently forgotten when she turned all saccharine and gooey. Adding a kid into the mix didn't help, either.


tinnny May 20 2018, 11:51:48 UTC
oh yes I'd forgotten about that weird Juliette/Adalind switch. I never forgave them for that, either. I wanted Juliette to be redeemed, not Adalind!


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