20 icons for Monthly Inspo

Mar 20, 2017 18:21

The challenge for monthlyinspo this month was "Embrace Diverse Representation". Of course this meant I couldn't just make half the icons fit the theme. This deserves all the effort, and it was a lot of fun. I didn't have to search hard in my cap collection for gay couples or non-white characters/actors. And I managed a rainbow, too. *g*



All icons fit the theme. #1 + #11-#15 are gay characters/pairings. #9 is a character with mental health issues. I tried to choose shows that have good representation overall, not just one token black person (and I think I managed, except for Librarians and Leverage).

Hover for fandom.


Comments of any kind are very welcome, concrit included! To see where I got my brushes and textures, please see my resource post.

x-posted to dw (comments:

art-icons, tv-mymadfatdiary, tv-elementary, tv-community, tv-librarians, tv-unsortable

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