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shapinglight February 3 2017, 15:32:29 UTC
I just followed a link to one of your icon posts. Had not realised you were a big Lucifer fan. Me too! I agree. Episode 13 was awesome in every way.

Is it okay if I friend you?


tinnny February 3 2017, 17:34:07 UTC
Is it okay if I friend you?

Absolutely! That is awesome, I've been looking for Lucifer fans on every single friending meme I did since the show started, and to find one through my icons is serendipitous!

I'll add you right back, I think your reviews are great! Yay, more talking about Lucifer!

It looks to me like you're in a different bubble on LJ than I am, too - I don't recognize any of the people who commented on your Sherlock post, for example. That's a really nice change - LJ felt very incestuous to me lately, always the same people.


shapinglight February 3 2017, 19:06:06 UTC
Well, I suppose the same with me too. The people I know on LJ are mostly people I've known for years (literally) through the Buffy fandom. I'm still in that, but there's not much of it here on LJ any more, and I just don't like Tumblr, I'm afraid.

Thanks for your nice words about my Lucifer reviews. I just re-read them myself and thought, I have to stop speculating because I'm getting it wrong every single time. ;)

I love your icons, btw. I already had this Buffy one (which I think is great) and have now snagged some Lucifer ones. Will credit you.


tinnny February 3 2017, 19:22:09 UTC
I just don't like Tumblr, I'm afraid.

I don't like it, either. I'm there, but it's not what I would call 'fandom'. It's nice to look at the pretty pictures, but that's it.

I thought the Librarians fandom would be different. It was so small a certain amount of personal interaction was possible. But still no real bonds formed, sadly. So... nah, not much of a tumblr fan.

I have to stop speculating because I'm getting it wrong every single time. ;)

Really? I think you got 2x13 right to a tee in your 2x12 review.

I love your icons, btw.

Thank you so much! It's wonderful to hear you like my icons. I am pretty proud of that Buffy icon, it was an inspiration that worked out well. Those are pretty rare.

I will be posting more Lucifer icons this month, too - I have signed up for a 20in20 for 2x11.


shapinglight February 3 2017, 19:34:26 UTC
It's nice to look at the pretty pictures, but that's it.

Yes, and I do keep an eye on it, because sometimes you see things that you just don't see on LJ any more (well, I don't anyway). Like the other day, one of the Lucifer blogs (I forget which one) posted some pictures of Tom Ellis and Lesley-Ann Brandt filming what looked like a fight scene between Lucifer and Maze (and which made me think it's probably Maze that will go looking for Lucifer - though character-wise that's what makes sense anyway). I doubt I'd have seen those at all if I hadn't looked on Tumblr.

Really? I think you got 2x13 right to a tee in your 2x12 review.

Thank you. :) I don't think I got just how much 2X13 would be an ensemble piece, though. The ensemble in this show makes me happy. Take one of them away and the show would be poorer, IMO. They're all great.

I am pretty proud of that Buffy icon, it was an inspiration that worked out well. Those are pretty rare.I will be posting more Lucifer icons this month, too - I have signed up for a 20in20 for 2x11. ( ... )


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