Elementary 3x09 + 3x10

Feb 22, 2015 21:55

Just a few words...

I don't even remember which plot points belong in which episode, I was way too tired last week.

* Puh, the less said about the brain science the better. Even if you could influence the part of the brain that measures time, it wouldn't mean that the brain would actually work faster. There's such a thing as a physical speed at which neurons work, and that's not going to become any faster just because you perceive it differently. The whole thing just made no sense at all.

* So what about the character development? As usual, I liked it. I really didn't see Joan's change in workplace coming at all. I was as blindsided by it as Sherlock.

* Poor Bell complaining he's not anybody. *g*

* The thing with the car alarms was not funny.

* I am somehow still hoping that Sherlock wants Joan back, even though I'm not really shipping them. But they were so good together. It was nice to see her sleeping at his apartment again - and him waking her with a bugle OMG. Not really to be taken seriously, but fun.

* Not so fun was Sherlock breaking into Joan's apartment. She brought it up, but not harshly enough for my taste. And he never apologized, not even later in the episode like he usually does.

* I liked Kitty's case, although I don't know why she insisted that they shouldn't drag everything up again to spare the girl's mother. Shouldn't they maybe ask her about it first? No doubt the guy deserved being prosecuted.

Overall, I really enjoyed both episodes even with the ludicrous plot. There's just not much to talk about, unfortunately.

x-posted to dw (comments:


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