Rec #2 - Transparent

Dec 21, 2014 09:57

The title is at the same time brilliant and awful. It's impossible to tag and to search for. But it says exactly what the show is about:

A Trans Parent

In this case, Maura - previously Mort.

Jeffrey Tambor is amazing as Maura. I only know him from Arrested Development, in which he was also really good.

The show starts with her trying to come out to her three adult children.

Maura with her three children (and ex-wife)

The children are all neurotic to some degree, and neery said she found them all annoying, but I still found them interesting.

The story has lots of flashbacks to Mort's (and his children's) family life, and it just has an overall 'period' vibe somehow. I loved that.

It touches on a lot of tough subjects but handles them all gracefully and I never had the urge to rage at the writers. They always found a way to show how hard it is without making it completely depressing.

The producer is Jill Soloway, who did Six Feet Under, which had very good queer representation. I loved its gay main character to pieces.

The only really annoying thing to me is that they changed one actress after the pilot. I liked the previous one better. The new one just looks more stereotypically 'lesbian'. It rubbed me the wrong way because I suspect they did that on purpose.

The show is *full* of sex. Not a bad thing, but one of the eps is just sex from start to finish and that was too much even for me. But the sex is not the only way the show is realistic. There are so many little details that just took me in and made me feel like this show is *real* compared to everything else on tv. For Maura, sex is definitely not a large driving force, which is refreshing.

I squeed in delight when I found out that Bradley Whitford has a recurring role. Omg he's awesome whatever he does.

Okay, so overall: watch it! It's only ten 30-minute episodes. Easy to marathon.

It is free on Amazon Prime. If you are a Prime customer, make sure to watch it through Prime.

x-posted to dw (comments:

recs-tv, tv-unsortable

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