SPN + Sleepy Hollow + Elementary

Oct 18, 2013 22:40

First things first:


+ I actually liked this ep so much, visually, that I took tons of screencaps and even made two icons. (The Cas one is from 8x23.)
* Sam's hair-matching tie really caught my eye.
+ Even though there was no Cas in this episode, I liked how he was still present.
+ Dean's not really with the whole love and... love. Yeah, right.
+ Dean included Kevin in their family.
+ I liked how we were supposed to think Kevin would set Crowley free and then he didn't.
* My friend would like this Crowley, he was devastated by 8x23, and I'm thinking they're taking that back (a little). At least Crowley is trying to be really callous - overcompensating much?
* I am getting nervous about Ezekiel and how often he (and Dean) are erasing Sam's memory. I don't really want to see this blow up and see Sam and Dean estranged *again*.
* Overall, the ep was illogical but I still enjoyed it a lot.
* Still not caring about Abaddon.
* Oh, the girl, yeah. I liked how Dean was totally not interested - either she's too female now or too young. Whatever, he didn't check her out at all. They did keep the display of her sexuality to a minimum (for SPN standards), which I also liked. It was *just* bearable.

Sleepy Hollow:

I will stop watching this weekly. I may catch up later to see Ichabod play with scotch tape some more and listen to Abbie rib him about everything, but for now: the myth arc in this show is beyond boring. I really don't care about their cases at all. Oh well, I'm not disappointed or sad. I have more than enough shows to watch.

Elementary 2x01 - 2x04
+ I still love this show to bits.
+ I still don't know whether to ship Joan with Sherlock or not. Well, I do, but I still think he's strange enough that I think he's beneath her. But then, I don't think she could do better than the smartest, sweetest, and quirkiest guy on the planet, so. I'm torn.
+ I still like all their cases and I still like Bell and Gregson (in that order).
+ I loved what they did with the ep in London and how their Lestrade was so not a positive character.
+ I am still surprised how much this show rocks and how none of us expected it to blow us away like that. Well done, show.

What's left to do:
* Catch up to the last two eps of White Collar Season 4 so I can join in again for the new season.
* Get through the next week so I can watch some more Grimm with neery. I have missed that.

x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-spn, art-icons, tv-elementary

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