POI 2x22

May 10, 2013 23:05

I'll be more coherent tomorrow. But until then:

- I find it out of character for Carter to suddenly go around shooting people in the woods. I can believe she would save Elias, but like that? That's a damn big hole you dug for sourself there, girl. I really don't know what to think about that.

- Where was Fusco AGAIN? Dammit.

+ The best thing about the episode was how self-evident it was for Shaw that she would be the one driving the car.

* I am not thinking clearly enough to grasp what happened, but I think the whole God Mode thing was not as important as we thought last week and Harold misled everyone with it. So maybe we didn't need to rant about it as much.

* The woman's voice sounded a little like Zoe. :(((( Not that I think they'll go there, because Paige Turco has other commitments, but for a minute I was worried.

* I liked the episode, although it was illogical and proud of it as usual, and talky as hell. If I wasn't as invested as I am, I don't think it would have held my attention the whole time.

* Overall, it was okay for a season finale, but nothing that will keep us writing fic of any kind all summer. Maybe about what Root will do. But nothing Finch/Reese related. Hm.

x-posted to dw (comments:


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