TV Shows of 2012

Dec 31, 2012 23:49

Again, I may be forgetting a few...

In the order of obsession, best first. Links to rec posts where I've made any:

Sherlock (BBC) - Season 2
Grimm - 1x01 - 2x12 - the show I'm currently most obsessed over
Continuum - Season 1 - Best show this year for me!
Cabin Pressure - Season 1 - Season 3 - Does this count? Yes it does! John Finnemore is awesome.
Psych 3x05 - 6x12 - I'm so glad I caught up with it (almost). Serious!Shawn is attractive! Looking forward to s7.
Chuck Season 5 - until the bitter end. That last season was so not worth it.
Fringe 1x01 - 2x15 - still bleh. Sorry, Joshua.
Game of Thrones 2x01 - 2x06 - somehow I lost momentum after that. May still watch the rest sometime.
Arctic Air - Season 1 - I just watched it for Stephen Lobo, and will continue to do so. *g*
White Collar - 3x11 - 4x08 - Still good, but I'm not squeeing over it anymore.
Merlin 5x01 - 5x02 - yawn. Am still unspoiled, so I may still watch it, since it's the last season and everyone is gushing so much over the finale.
Teen Wolf 1x01 - 1x08 - That is all that I will watch of that. Ever. Please hold me to that.

Castle 3x23 - Sasha Roiz FTW! I may actually watch Castle someday. I didn't like the first few eps when I tried them years ago, but apparently Castle has gotten a bit more respectful towards Beckett since the Pilot, so maybe. I tend to pick up shows right before they are cancelled, so there's still time, right? ;)
Warehouse 13 - 1x01 -1x04 - I'm really going for Season 3 -> Sasha Roiz. Still a ways to go.

x-posted to dw (comments:

tv-grimm, tv-merlin, tv-chuck, lj-yearly, tv-sherlock, tv-unsortable

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